Please don’t smoke and don’t ask for a book

« Please don’t smoke and don’t ask for a book. » Tumanyan posted this note on the wall of his library. The poet did not receive regular education, but was one of the writers with the deepest knowledge. He gained this knowledge through self-education. During his short and difficult life, he collected 10,000 books. 8150 of Tumanyan’s 10,000 books have been preserved. They took 2000 books and did not return them. He sealed the windows of 13 cabinets with pictures so that others would not see or ask for books. And I didn’t like to give books just because of bitter experience

.I remembered 8400, the rest were not returned. Tumanyan’s translations differ in quality. Nowadays, many people use foreign words, arguing that there are no substitute words in Armenian, and Tumanyan has translated many books in the past, it cannot be said that he has translated, you think that he is the author.

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