My life has been full of ups and downs…

My life has been full of ups and downs… sometimes it seemed to me that I was carefree and happy, and often I found myself in a hopeless situation… in a word, the path I have traveled has not been smooth and « serene. ».. each new step « put » me in a difficult and bitter situation… I have tasted « all the charm » of a complex and bitter reality…
I guess my life was a victory over myself… And do you know why?.. I have faced lies, sarcasm, contempt and smiles « rendered » by lies:..
Now that I’m flipping through the « dim » pages of my life from afar… I am genuinely worried, holding back tears, as if « grinning »…
Sometimes, because of impotence, I « emptied » myself, got angry and criticized my sincerity… but I never got angry at people who « despise » me…
sometimes it seemed to me that I was « unhappy », too « inactive »… These feelings hit me a long time ago… no one noticed or felt the intensity of my « pain »… I was « alienated » from everyone and everything…
It’s terribly difficult, it’s impossible even to fight with yourself… but believe me, people, the life of each of us is the most difficult struggle… and there is only one way in this struggle… this is the way to victory…
do not despair… the best is yet to come:.Why did they « multiply » so much in our life?.. that there was no time left to live, no « desire »…
was it a fate that God « shared » with us?..
Will God really leave unpunished for thirty years the people’s clan that paralyzed our lives?..
Do they still have a chance to be « reborn »?..
Is it really possible to « humiliate and enslave », kill and rob an entire nation, and then « fight » for its « liberation »?..
They think that people are « short-sighted » or « suffer from memory loss »…
Do we really have to sacrifice ourselves and the whole life of our children to the well-being of several « political simulators » and their families?..
Is it really not clear who ruined our country and « executed » our children?..
And « exploiting and using » people’s emotions and pain, turning them into direct participants in the seizure of power is the most obvious meanness…
People who « gave » the light of their eyes to the Motherland, hope for life, the meaning of life and « live » without living this life …
In:S. And today we can say with confidence that these « political parasites » by their illegal actions have turned the life of an entire nation into a « multi-genre and multifaceted horror »…
Yes, these are neither more nor less than « political terrorists » who, spreading fear and horror, have been trying to impose their « political will » on the people for a long time. »..
And it’s scary that kindergarten kids, schoolchildren and university students can become « victims of political violence »…
It’s even scarier that a person who is faced with pain and grief speaks about this « intention »… who understands most in this life what the loss of a child means?..
At first glance, it seems that this is an emotional explosion… unconscious speech… maybe… I don’t rule it out… but in political terms, the idea he voiced is « terribly dangerous. ».. And do you know why?.. this is just a « warning » not to toddlers, toddlers, but to their parents and students:.. that if you don’t join the « political feasts » of the rich who robbed the country, you will « live » in an atmosphere of fear and horror…

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